About Me

Welcome! My name is Lori and I'm happy you stumbled upon my blog. I write this blog to share my creativity and hopefully, it may inspire your creativity. I'm a firm believer that we all have talent and my talent happens to be creating art and sewing. I also believe it's important for children to explore art as it fosters creativity and to think outside the box. Subjects such as science and math are important but it's so right or wrong. Art on the otherhand is not and that is what I like most about art. I have included a translate button so if your english is not your first language you can change my blog your language. You can do so on the left side of my blog. I'm very visual and not into writing so my posts will sometimes be short and to the point. Follow me on Pinterest as I'm on there every day. It's a lot of fun. I'm a busy mother and wife but taking care of myself is also important in order to be my best for my family. Art, eating healthy, plenty of rest and relaxation and exercise are so important. Enjoy art!


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